Peaksource group is the creative technology platform that drives business growth since 2012

What could you like about Peaksource ?

Empowered by cross skills expertises Peaksource operates in a constant evolution field and deals with the market's uncertain changes., Peaksource is capable of shaping deliverables and solving complex problems with the utmost flexibility and adaptability.

Creative Power

Peaksource Values its Human Resources of elite engineers, designers, developers and artists.

Where to find us now?

  • Tunis
  • Paris
  • Tokyo
  • Algers
  • Tripoli
  • Lisbonne
  • Casablanca
  • Saint-Denis (La réunion)

Where to find us soon?

  • Riadh
  • Dubaï
  • Istanbul
  • New york
business locations
here now
there soon

look up for us ...down the street



We Do?

Cooking Concepts goes through a process of lots of thinking,
bunch of needs definitions,
a bit of planning .. or maybe more
implementing appropriate expertises,
then delivering tailored outputs in time ... for your business

4 departments of


Events factory

literally a factory…

  • Live events
  • Stage Design
  • Immersive concepts
  • Design performance
  • Virtual events
  • Hybrid Events
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The coolest geeks…

  • App development
  • Web development
  • CRM
  • ERP
  • SAS
  • Google workspace
  • Dev Consulting
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Creative Studio

Shhh, just watch…

  • Digital Art
  • 2D Design / 3D Design
  • Motion design
  • Video FX
  • Post production / Production
  • Real Time rendering
  • Chroma & Motion capture
  • Content creation
  • Storyboarding
  • 360 production
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They trusted us

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Our latest projects

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